Friday, April 13, 2012

13 April ~ Baroque Intensity

Charles here. 


This preparing for the PCT, the 10,000 daily anticipations, the household vanishing into boxes, the landlords signing off on our eternal departure from our lovely home, the future shelter of five months in the shapes of slouched dusty backpacks in the corner, the dining table spread with the first 6 days of meals -- not yet divvied up ... , knowing the sky and the trees and the chaparral and the weather will be our walls and roof and rug and, sometimes our toilet --- OMG OMG OMG. Learning the iPhone, the video/digital camera, the maps, the watering holes, the resupply stops, the mail drops (and at night running through the flash cards of birds and flowers and trees). How much we want this.  I've been trying to think how to describe what this feels like. So I'll take a note from all those great artists who say "show, don't tell." 

Here is a video of the Punch Brothers -- a progressive blue grass band -- performing Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 (in G Major). This is how we feel -- blue grass boys in a baroque intensity of the technical expression of complex joys. If you watch and listen to it all the way, you'll feel it -- the crazy, mind-bending, frenetic, happy-go-lucky, soaring beauty of it -- and that's what we're feeling. Even the variety of facial expressions on these performers as they fully engage, we recognize on each others' faces.

Hope you enjoy it.

Punch Brothers perform The Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 by Johann Sebastian Bach


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